Wrapping our Christmas gifts

This is the first year ever that I have actually made our Christmas gifts presentable haha. This won’t be a long post but I did want to share because I’m pretty proud of my ‘Pinterest’ worthy wrapping.
I have been using brown rosin paper for years for wrapping since finding out that regular wrapping paper can’t be recycled. It actually broke my heart a little knowing that so much waste would be made. What didn’t break my heart was how much brown rosin paper you get for you money! Three years of wrapping 15+ gifts a year and I still have over half the roll left.
I found my paper roll at Home Depot for $14.51. It’s 3ft x 144ft and you can find it here! My only advice is getting some extra duty tape lol.
For the twine, I actually ended up going to Home Depot again because it was the cheapest for how much you got. I got this twine for $2.33 and it’s 190ft.
Now for the garnishes and writing! I actually ended up buying some faux plant stems from Hobby Lobby and cut them the length I wanted. For the life of me I could not find any store that sold eucalyptus stems. I think next year I’ll order some real eucalyptus stems for the full effect. The little glitter clothes pins are from the dollar section at Target. I get a lot of my smaller festive items from there. So, when it comes to writing who it’s for I like to do it on the paper itself. I do use tags against other wrapping paper but I really like the look of it by itself.
I love wrapping gifts so I always have fun seeing others doing it their way! I’d love to hear your favorite ways of wrapping in the comments
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