Nordstrom Anniversary Sale 2020 – breaking it down
It’s that time of year again!!! The Nordstrom Anniversary Sale is right around the corner and this is the time to shop for all things fall. I plan to cover as much as I possibly can this year with the sale without actually stepping foot into the store. It’ll be different and it sucks a little that I can’t really show you finds in store like I have in the past, but it’s okay and no cardigan is worth getting Covid, soooo I will do what I can!

Due to the circumstances this year and all the precautions Nordstrom is having to take, they have made it INCREDIBLY easy for you to shop the sale this year. They made it so anyone has access to preview the items and anyone can save items they’re wanting to purchase to their wish list for a fast check out!
My status at Nordstrom is influencer so I will be able to shop the sale starting August 10th and my approach is to add everything I would like to my wish list and then I will narrow it down from there.
I’m not going to go crazy with items this year and buy just to buy. I have my eye on a pair of sneakers, some cozy pieces, jeans, and then items for the girls. I don’t have a budget for myself but I’m very cautious on what I plan on adding to my cart!
I’m breaking this post down into three categories for you for shopping – items I own on the sale again, items worth the hype, and of course what I’m getting. I have certain items repeating in all three and some in two and I’ll talk more of why it’s in that category.
I’m making it incredibly easy for you all to shop, so if you see something you like you can easily click the image and it will take you directly to the item on the Nordstrom site.

If you have any questions regarding the sale or items, please don’t hesitate to reach out! I am more than happy to provide myself as a resource for you.
This post contains affiliate links.

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