My Goals for 2020
It’s taken me all of January to put this post together. I blame half of it on me being lazy, but the other half is me focusing on literally everything I’m wanting to accomplish and figuring out what I can do to do it! Kinda silly… but I really want this year to be a year full of achievements!
So, I have played around with the idea of making a collage from magazine cut-outs, to making a list on the Notes app in my phone, and even buying a bulletin board and plastering it on the walls in my office to get the point across that this year I want to accomplish my goals! This year is the year it’s happening. This is the year that I will personally push myself to achieve all my goals, or come damn near close to achieving them because I don’t want to look back on this year and ask myself, “did you even try?”.
I recently listened to a podcast and I doubt that I will be able to make it sound as empowering as it was first said (episode 238 of Him & Her podcast), but it was about coming to the end of the year and reflecting on the goals we make. Long story short…we may be able to hide that we didn’t accomplish something to someone else by telling a little lie, but we are never able to lie to ourselves. We will always know the truth and lying to yourself is so much harder to accept than doing it to others. There was so much more shared in that podcast that I won’t even attempt to say so I highly recommend listening to it yourself.
Along with my many goals, I also have a quote I love to live my year by and I’m sharing that towards the bottom. Here’s to 2020 and year of success!
Be proactive about growing my blogging business – last year I did nothing to help promote myself. This year I will take the chance to plug my socials in any chance I can. I’m proud of what I’ve created and I want more to know about them.
Land a massive brand deal – I am always wishing this and wanting this. I will always stay true to myself with my postings and collaborations. However, I am really crossing my fingers that things fall into place and I land something crazy cool!
Ask for help – I never ask or help and better yet, I hate asking for help. Especially with all this blogging stuff is when I hate asking the most. In my head I have it that I should just do all this stuff myself because I built it all myself so I’m totally capable….duh. Except I need so much more guidance and I don’t want to keep myself from learning.
To not get down and acknowledge that I’m doing a good job – It’s very easy get caught up in comparing yourself to others in this industry! I have to constantly tell myself that I’ve only been doing this for two years. TWO YEARS! Everyone I admire and look up to have been doing this for 5+ so I have time. I have plenty of time. I know I’m kicking butt doing this whole thing by myself without an assistant or a manager and that’s something I need to proud of.
Hit 50k! – A freaking dream! I would love to reach this number. I always say likes don’t define a person, and neither do the amount of followers. However, I do like to think of followers as milestones and the amount of people I have made an impact on. Sooooo if you want to help a gal out… feel free to share my Instagram with everyone you know;)
Go out of my comfort zone – I had this as a goal of mine last year and I will always add it to this list because it’s not really a goal but more of a nudge to just do it. Even if it’s something as simple as a new style I want to push myself.
Have a set amount of $$ in my savings account – I think this is so import to think about! Once 2020 hit I started thinking about where I’d be in ten years and I got to thinking on how quickly ten years will fly by. Budgeting is a big friend of mine so I’m ready to see this goal happen.
Be proactive about growing my clientele at work – I am absolutely terrible about talking about my work outside of the salon. I really don’t like talking about myself at all (lol at having a blog all about me) and I’m even worse about talking about what I excel in, in the salon. I know I would be able to grow an even bigger clientele if I would just talk about my work a little more or throw out “You should come see me!” I also plan to be more active on my salon social media (Instagram at @kolorby.Kendra) with before and afters and hopefully some short video clips.
Better my health – I told Kyler at the beginning of the year that I’m going to hit my goals with fitness this year. I want to feel good about my body and be happy in my skin again. I miss my muslces. I’m more of an emotional eater as well, and I’d like to have food not be my go-to in those situations. I have really watched myself these past few weeks and I’ve been doing really good. I’m hoping I can keep it that way thought the year!
Stick to a skin care routine – I would say I stick to my routine 80% off the time. I’m normally on top of skincare because I know results happen with consistency. I just need to make this a 100% thing.
Styling my home – Look at me already getting on top of this! I have wanted to focus on our home for so dang long but anything involving home reno or decor can get crazy expensive. I do plan on doing a whole lot of DIY projects and taking you all along the way. I would say things are really coming together and I’m super happy with the process.
Start my day and end of my do with no Social Media – This is a new and a hard one for me. I tend to roll over and immediately start scrolling my phone and scroll until I fall asleep. It’s not healthy. I have now made it a goal to not look at my phone for at least 30minutes to an hour in the mornings. That gives me time to wake up and get myself ready for the day.
Spend less money – I am going to go four whole months this year doing no spending. I know I’ll struggle on this but I have got to learn some self control haha.
Lastly, I have this quote that I plan to eventually blow up and put on the wall in my office (whenever that gets done lol) and it’s been a favorite of mine for years.
I have it as the background on my computer and when I feel like I’m not progressing, I’ll set it as my phone background as a daily reminder and it has been so wonderful to look at. I can only speak for myself on this but most everything that I have avoided due to fear are things that have become some of my greatest accomplishments.
Here’s to a great year. Here’s to a successful year. Here’s to new things. Here’s to 2020!!
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