I got a peel! Here’s what to expect and how to get your
Local Lawrence, KS friends, Aestheticare of Lawrence is running a ONE DAY SPECIAL MARCH 29 where all Glytone Chemical Peels are $99. Snagging this deal is a must!! Peels take very little time, making it a quick in-and-out service for you! Be sure to call Aestheticare of Lawrence at (785) 856-8880 to reserve your spot! In addition to the one day Glytone Chemical Peel special, Aestheticare is running a $99 Hydrafacial special all of March. This facial is what I get every time I get a facial and regularly runs $159. This is the most popular facial and has become a staple in my self care routine. You can purchase up to 3 of these facials and you can call them at (785) 856-8880 to get everything taken care of.
As always, mentioning my name when booking your first treatment will save you $50 but you cannot use that in addition to the monthly specials going on.
Fun for me is getting my face rubbed haha. Like hands down I will 100% chose anything involving my face vs a massage. I’ve had both within the last two weeks so I’m not kidding when I say this!!! Anyway, I got a peel. It’s the first peel I’ve ever had and I’ve always wanted one. So, I took all the pictures and will be sharing everything that’s been happening over this last week!
Let me bust one big fat myth for you all…your skin won’t actually peel like in the movies. Big shocker, right?! What has pushed me away from having one done for so long was literally the idea of having to plan a week where I don’t do anything because I do not want to be going out with my skin peeling. Your skin peeling doesn’t mean the peel is working and your skin not peeling doesn’t mean it’s not working. The whole point of a peel is to effectively speed up the process of cellular turnover by shedding the top layer of dead surface cells. As we age, our cellular turnover rate slows down and those dead surface cells can really build up. Incorporating a light exfoliant in your routine will help tremendously on keeping that build up at bay….and adding a peel as a special treat every once in a while can help break down what we can’t get off 🙂
How did it feel + the process
The peel I got was the Glytone peel which uses ‘unique Enerpeel® technology for enhanced penetration for deeper results with minimal irritation. The peel solution penetrates more homogeneously through skin layers, reducing surface trauma, enhancing efficacy and minimizing irritation.’ (more information can be found here). To see the videos of the process, head over to my Instagram and watch my stories or see the Peel highlight!
The process itself was less than 30 minutes and that included a quick consultation where we discussed what my problem areas were and what I was wanting out of the peel. I want fresh and new so I was recommend to do three phases of the peel where I’ll get one once a month for three months. After that, a quick cleanse, the peel (could be one layer or multiple), then some major spf/moisturizer!
There is a slight burn/tingle that comes with peels and on a scale of 1-10 I never got past a 3. I personally love the tingly feeling. I want to add that I don’t have sensitive skin and it takes quite a bit to irritate it. If you’re someone that is super sensitive and prone to reactions I highly suggest doing a deep consultation ahead of time. My skin did turn a little pink and that pinkness stayed in certain areas until the following day but was very faint. I have terrible allergies and rubbed my skin raw round my nose and you can totally see it in the photos. Even having more exposed skin + the peel on top it didn’t bother me. I noticed the tingle the most in the areas that I find to be my problem areas – my jawline.
The photo on the left shows a little bit of bubbling happening on my chin! It’s good and it’s all a reaction from the peel + the dead surface cells. The photo on the right shows off the faint pink color from the peel.

This photo was taken not even five minutes after leaving Aestheticare and I look like how I would normally look leaving a facial. The pink on my cheeks went away almost instantly.
I got my peel on a Tuesday and haven’t worn anything other than moisturizer and a tinted spf. (Today marks day 6 post peel and also the first time I’ve put on makeup since.) I was sent home with a care package filled with a gentle cleanser, a light moisturizer, spf samples, and a calming serum! I took a step back from my normal skincare products because they are all medical grade and a little too abrasive at the moment. I’m slowly adding my regular products into my routine and plan to be back to normal by the end of the week.
My skin wasn’t irritated or tender but I did have some pink on the side of my face. I packed on the spf like crazy and reapplied a couple times that day. Nothing major to share here.

Up and close in this one! Towards the end of day one I could feel my skin tightening and when I woke up for day two I felt like someone was holding the side of my face pulling my skin tight. I had a lot of patches on my face that look almost leathery and I could tell some peeling would happen there. Like all the other days, I really packed on the moisturizer and spf. I had no pinkness and I thought it was so cool being able to see these changes. Something you can really see in this picture are the blackheads on my nose. The peel really helped to loosen up my clogged pores.

My skin peeled but it wasn’t crazy how you would think. My skin just looked really dry. You could visually see the peeling around my nose. My jawline had no visual peeling but I could feel an insane amount of texture. It was crazy! I could actually take my nail along my nose and scrape all that nasty off. I still have a lot of clogged pores, but WOW this helped! I didn’t wear any tinted moisturizer this day and actually doubled up on the serum I was given and light moisturizer. My mask covered everything so nothing could be seen. Let’s look past my little mustache going on. I forgot to take care of it prior to these pictures haha.

DAY 4 +
After washing my face from day 3 I really didn’t have anything to share so I never took a picture. My dry skin came off with some gentle rubbing and constantly putting moisturizer on helped big time. Below is my skin this morning (6 days after). My skin feels really good. It’s smooth and I can tell it’s dry but you can’t see it. The skin around my nose is always red so don’t think anything of it.
I still have two rounds of the Glytone Chemical Peel and I’ll share so much more of it over on Instagram in stories so be sure to follow me there. Since peels can make the skin incredibly sensitive, I’m thankful that I’ll have all three rounds done before summer officially hits. I’m already thinking of the future and most definitely want to keep peels a regular thing. So far all my thoughts are positive.

the good stuff
Want to see what other treatments I’ve gotten at Aestheticare? You can read all about them below! Remember, mentioning my name will save you $50 on your first time appointment with Aestheticare of Lawrence.
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