DIY textured canvas

Anyone else attracted to the most expensive things online, or have an incredibly unrealistic idea of what you want in your home all thanks to Pinterest??? Because same.
I have been obsessed with these textured canvases for quite some time and all the ones I’ve wanted are easily $300+ and if we’re being honest, I don’t have $300 laying around to spend on a piece of art. So…que the DIY!

First off, let’s talk about the wood frame canvas. It’s cheaper in the long run to purchase the pre-made wood canvas and to paint over what’s on it. I lucked out and got my two canvases from Target in a duo pack for around $50. I have a ton linked below and they’re always getting new ones with each season! I would not have been able to make the wooden frames + the canvases of that particular size for that price.
Now for the supplies:
Modeling Paste Acrylic Medium – this was enough to do two large canvases. I have found it cheapest on Amazon for the price.
Trowel – this is bigger than what I used but it made the job easier. I’ve seen other people do this with a wide paint brush and got a really cool textured out of it. I couldn’t find a paint brush so I worked with what I had and was really happy with this.
painters tape – highly recommend because they modeling paste tends to stick where you don’t want it.
Paint of your choice – I ended up mixing two types of paint we had on hand to get the tone I wanted. This project doesn’t have to be crazy expensive!

The whole process was very easy and I loved how it turned out. It was for sure a whole day project because the modeling paste took a good 8 hours to dry in some spots. My only advice when applying the modeling paste is not apply it too heavy. I noticed that some parts of the canvas were bubbling from the moisture in the paste and it went down a little bit after everything was dried!

And that’s it! Enjoy your new DIY textured canvas! I loved how mine turned out and actually think I’ll do some more down the road. Kyler was a little upset I didn’t ask him to do it because he thought they looked like fun to do, and I even think I’m going to get Laken in on trying this to make some art for her room!
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